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NOW We Know!

Within the past few days, the House Judiciary Committee rejected an attempt to exclude pedophiles from protection under the proposed Hate Crimes bill.

WASHINGTON, April 28 /Standard Newswire/ — On Wednesday, April 29, the U.S. House is scheduled to vote on so-called “hate crimes” legislation, which would give “actual or perceived” “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” the same federal protection as race. Last week the House Judiciary Committee refused to exclude pedophiles from the bill’s protection. The Committee also refused to include veterans. Moreover, the bill does not include the elderly.

For those who don’t know and didn’t follow the dictionary link: A “pedophile” is a child molester (or a potential child molester).

Why would the House Judiciary Committee insist on allowing special legal protection for child molesters?

There is a reason: It’s because sex is a sacred and protected activity to the free-love types who now dominate America. Drugs and Rock and Roll are also untouchably holy, not to be restrained in any way, shape or form. (“Hey, America feels kinda’ cool again.” Another Brass Monkey, Mr. President?)

How far will the let-it-all-hang-out crowd go to keep from allowing any restraints on sexual behavior in America? Now we know: Far enough to implicitly extend special legal protections to child molesters.

This current Washington hegemony marks the triumph of the counterculture. Forces that have been percolating in the backstreets of America for generations have finally overwhelmed Capitol Hill. The hippies have won – and we must live in their world now.

Unless we do something about it.